Utilizator: | Essenza |
Titlu: | Nothing | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Data: | acum 15 ani si 154 zile | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensiune: | 782 K | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Vizualizari: | 1618 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Rating: | 9.9864 din 147 voturi |
Tags: | anything, | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Descriere: | Still nothing |

Everything I touch is pale
Ever since I lost imagination
Like a stream that flows into the sea
I am lost for all eternity
Ever since you took your . . . away from me...
wow :X:X
nice words...but also sad...just think about it ...what is life whithout fellings ..??
i saw that recently you are drawing more black and white ..but it's still cool...
hope you don't lost your imagination ..cause' this drawings are really beautiful :)
hmmmmm...ganditoare fata...
f frumos!
frumos desen;x;x
cata expresivitate, essenza!
foarte frumos!
fantastic essenza!
jez, essus, de cand n-am mai dat p site ai desenat o pagina intreaga! tot respectul! f frumoase desenele tale... dar mi se pare mi sau se simte o tristete in aer in ultima vreme? sper sa ma insel :*
Foarte frumos Essenza .Bv
superb Essenza!
...Why "Nothing"?You just can say a little thing like this: "ANYTHING!"...If you wanna stay sad in black and white dream stay.....If you don't care about your feelings:)...But come out,left the Shadow behind the great walls,come in and stay with Us Forever!:*Come in.....Leave your sadness in and close the gates of Nowhere,Nothing or Nobody....Hera the word,smell the happiness,live how You want lo live,Love what you want to Love but Don't Hate!Just Hug the Good Dark and the Old Gothic Urals of The dead....>:D< Believe in dreams,everything and dark,taste your own world and ask you again and again:"WHAT I CAND FEEL?"
Go Ahead ans Smile again!:)Simona Tudose
Believe in dreams ? My life is a dream! Hug the Good Dark ? He hugs me! ... and I feel great! Taste my world... my world it is tasty!
Thank you, Simona. For realizing this... again! :)
esti o scumpa si o ingerasa si o dragalasa si toata lumea te iubeste si meriti sa fii fericita si iubita si sa nu mai fii trista, k nimic nu e mai frumos decat zambetul sincer al unui om vesel!
minunat :D
foarte frumos! :)
...Minunat Essentza!...