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Utilizator: selina
Note primite:
Data: acum 15 ani si 174 zile
Dimensiune: 292 K
Vizualizari: 1286
10 din 167 voturi
Descriere: 31 
Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 174 zile

One More Chance

Michael Jackson

"Uh huh, alright

This time I’m gonna do my best to make it right

Can't go on without you by my side

Hold on

Shelter come and rescue me out of this storm

And out of this cold I need someone

Oh why oh why why why

If you see her

Tell her this from me

All I need is

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

One more

One more chance at love

One more


Chance at love

One more

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

One more

One more chance at love


One more chance at love

Searching for that one who is gonna make me whole

Help me make these mysteries unfold

Hold on

Lightning about to strike in rain only on me

Hurt so bad sometime it's hard to breathe

Oh why why

If you see her

Tell her this from me

All I need is

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

one more

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

One more chance for love

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

One more

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

And I would walk around this world to find her

And I don't care what it takes no


I'd sail the seven seas to be near her

And if you happen to see her

See, tell her this from me

One more chance at love

Yeah yeah

One more chance at love

Tell her this from me

One more chance at love

Yeah yeah

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

Lovin' you

One more chance at love

I can't find

One more chance at love

Lovin' you

One more chance at love

Yeah yeah one more

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

For love

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

Yeah yeah I can't stop

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

Lovin' you

One more chance at love

One more chance at love

I can't stop

One more chance at love

Lovin' you


One more chance at love

I can't stop

Lovin' you... "

Utilizator: tedule acum 15 ani si 174 zile

ff tare chestia asta ce o faci tu. faci desene dupa cantecele lu mj.felicitarile mele

AleXXa (^_^)
Utilizator: AleXXa (^_^) acum 15 ani si 174 zile

waw e sooper.....cel moolt pana maine o sa ajunga in top DESENE :)

Utilizator: emy_ela00 acum 15 ani si 174 zile

wow...superb.....inefabil.....:X:X:X ....mj....

Utilizator: *TStreet* acum 15 ani si 174 zile

Superb si minunata idee de a face cate un desen pt fiecare melodie a lui MJ! FELICITARI!

Utilizator: SweetRose acum 15 ani si 174 zile

superb desen

Simona Tudose
Utilizator: Simona Tudose acum 15 ani si 174 zile

HaHA!!Stiu melodia!Este betsiala:))One More Chance At Love!

One More One More

Chance Al Love!Chance At love:)FRumos!Si desenul foarte reusit....Dar..Acum serios vorbind...Cata dragoste ai turnat tu peste floarea aia?!ti-a crescut asaa..In palma??:))Pui foarte mult suflet in desene...Asa te vrem!Felicitari...Dar...Demult n-ai facut desene...De-ale Tale:)VReau sa spun....Ti-ai dedicat mult timp...pentru Mivhael si pentru melodiile lui..Si datorita tie...Am inceput sa cautam versurile,sa le fredonam si sa ne uitam la videoclipurile lui....Multumim!Ca ne inveti sa apreciem ce este cu adevarat de apreciat:)

Ioana :D
Utilizator: Ioana :D acum 15 ani si 174 zile

mirific desen...

Utilizator: Hyun-Ae acum 15 ani si 174 zile

buna!!1 eu sunt ana vrei sa fim prieteni/prietene? te rog spune da!!! id-ul meu este anghelescu_ana450 daca vrei baga-mi id-l meu in lista ta! doar dak vrei...... daca o sa mi-l bagi o sa fiu super :D:D:D::) fericita imi place sa-mi fac prieteni noi d p dacest site

criss`u kiti:x
Utilizator: criss`u kiti:x acum 15 ani si 174 zile


Utilizator: andreea_g acum 15 ani si 174 zile

ce splendid..! ca de obicei...un desen extraordinar!

Utilizator: ♥♪ele♪♥ acum 15 ani si 174 zile

:x :| !!!

Utilizator: SweetRose acum 15 ani si 173 zile

multumesc frumos pentru comentariu!

Utilizator: Dyddy_sweet_girl acum 15 ani si 173 zile

un desen minunat .. la fel ca restul din galeria ta

Utilizator: Adi.yoana acum 15 ani si 173 zile

ador cum desenezi tu

mai ales ce apreciez la tn este aptul ca incerci sa transpui piesele lui MJ in niste desene minunate,

Bravo!respect asta la tine

sa o tii tot asa!


Utilizator: Alisia98 acum 15 ani si 171 zile


Utilizator: ruxandra_95 acum 15 ani si 171 zile

Apreciez efortul pe care il faci desene minunate...splendide!

Ne pare rau, dar nu aveti permisiunea sa adaugati comentarii!!