Mai!Stiu versurile!Iubesc melodia!S-a facut si un scurt film de 30 de minute dupa vedeoclip:X cum incepea?
...There's a Ghost down in the hall,
There's a ghoul upon the bed,
There's Somethhing in the Walls,
There's Blood Up in the Stairs,
And It's Floating throught the Room
And It's Nothing I can see,
And I Know it's bless The tune
Because now It's haunting Me!
Don't understan it...
Don't Understan It!
Daaa!!Iubesc melodia asta!Si cum l-ai desenat tu pe Michael seamana cu ce am vazut in film!Ma bucur sa avd ca inca continui si cu noua aplicatie!Ador stilul ta incomparabil!Foarte multe pensulatii:)
SPER CA NU TE SUPERI..:|..U AI inceput pe 3 iulie sa desenezi mj..iar eu pe 19 chear nu mai tin minte daca team copiat sau mia venit o idee..:| scz scz scz..:((
este wow! si mel......ciah bestiala plus k are cate o privire din cele de-ale lui.....faza tare e cu are pantofi negri si sosete albe(k michael) si danseaza moonwalk =))
Michael Jackson
"There's a ghost down in the hall
There's a ghoul upon the bed
There's something in the walls
There's blood up on the stairs
And it's floating through the room
And there's nothing I can see
And I know it's bless the tune
Because now it's haunting me
Don't understand it
Don't understand it
There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But there's no-one seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul is pokin'
Don't understand it
Don't understand it
(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)
And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby? She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
They put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy
There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody's seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul is going
Don't understand it
Don't understand it
(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)
And who gave you the right to scheme my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby? She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic trees?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy
And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby? She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy
Come on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy"
iui`:x super:)) shi infricoshator:x
oau inspaimantator
...imi place ochiul...este foarte bine lucrat...
e urat
ce coincidenta..chiar acum ascultam melodia:)))
imi place:X
42 ...pana la ce numar vrei sa ajungi?
:|...prea bun
Mai!Stiu versurile!Iubesc melodia!S-a facut si un scurt film de 30 de minute dupa vedeoclip:X cum incepea?
...There's a Ghost down in the hall,
There's a ghoul upon the bed,
There's Somethhing in the Walls,
There's Blood Up in the Stairs,
And It's Floating throught the Room
And It's Nothing I can see,
And I Know it's bless The tune
Because now It's haunting Me!
Don't understan it...
Don't Understan It!
Daaa!!Iubesc melodia asta!Si cum l-ai desenat tu pe Michael seamana cu ce am vazut in film!Ma bucur sa avd ca inca continui si cu noua aplicatie!Ador stilul ta incomparabil!Foarte multe pensulatii:)
minunat selina:)
super dar foarte infricosetor
SPER CA NU TE SUPERI..:|..U AI inceput pe 3 iulie sa desenezi mj..iar eu pe 19 chear nu mai tin minte daca team copiat sau mia venit o idee..:| scz scz scz..:((
doamne de ce l-ai luat pe el?????????????????????? :((((((((
N-as vrea sa vad acel ochi...super desen!
WHAOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CHIAR TAREEE...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEAMANA 100%...l-ai luat din BV LEGENDE desenul?
este wow! si mel......ciah bestiala plus k are cate o privire din cele de-ale lui.....faza tare e cu are pantofi negri si sosete albe(k michael) si danseaza moonwalk =)),plzz vot,returnez,app ff tare desenul
...and love to live. :)