Utilizator: puppet_art
Note primite:
Titlu: blonde girl 
Data: acum 15 ani si 35 zile
Dimensiune: 787 K
Timp desenare: 1secunda
Vizualizari: 493
10 din 13 voturi
Tags: balonda, portret, fata,  
Utilizator: puppet_art acum 15 ani si 35 zile

soko- i'll kill her

so, of course, you were supposed to call me tonight

you were supposed to call me tonight

we would have gone to the cinema

and, after, to the restaurant, the one you like in your street

we would have slept together, have a nice breakfast together

and then a walk in a park together, how beautiful, and then

you would have said "i love you" in the cutest place on earth

where some butterflies are dancing with the fairies

i would have waited like a week or two

but you never tried to reach me

no, you never called me back

you were dating that bleach-blonde girl

if i find her, i swear, i swear...

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future, she broke my dream

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future when she took you away

i would have met your friends, we would have had a drink or two

they would have liked me, 'cause sometimes i'm funny

i would have met your dad, i would have met your mum

she would have said "please, can you make some beautiful babies?"

so we would have had a boy called tom and a girl called susan, born in japan

i thought it was a love story, but you don't want to get involved

i thought it was a love story, but you're not ready for that ...

me neither. i'll kill her

she stole my future, she broke my dream

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future when she took you away

she's a bitch you know, all she's got is blondeness

not even tenderness, yeah, she's cleverless

she'll dump your arse for a model called brendan

he will pay for beautiful surgery 'cause he's full of money

i would have waited like a week or two

but you never tried to reach me

no, you never called me back

you were dating that bleach-blonde girl

if i find her, you know, i swear, i swear, i swear ...

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future, she broke my dream

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future when she took you away

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future, she broke my dream

i'll kill her, i'll kill her

she stole my future when she took you away

man, i told you, you know, if i find her,

i really, i, i mean, i'll kill her, for real!

it's like for sure, you have to know, uh,

i mean, you know, i can do it, man,

i'll kïll her.

d i d i <3
Utilizator: d i d i <3 acum 15 ani si 35 zile


si pe mine ma cheama

Utilizator: lexa12 acum 15 ani si 35 zile

wow e frumoasa si 'fara inteligenta' :))

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