Utilizator: Dodtt
Note primite:
Titlu: boredom 
Data: acum 9 ani si 133 zile
Dimensiune: 273 K
Timp desenare: 14minute 37secunde
Vizualizari: 788
10 din 24 voturi
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Descriere: lalalala 
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Utilizator: Shita-Chan acum 9 ani si 133 zile

I love robots :3 Merita un like, ba chiar mai multe!!!

Utilizator: Archie acum 9 ani si 133 zile

cum poti... TT^TT

Utilizator: Ami. acum 9 ani si 133 zile

Perspectiva la priza e gresita. Priza da spre dreapta si stecheru spre stanga si urechea mai jos putin. Daca ai corecta astea si ai avea putina rabdare sa termini desenul ar iesii super... :)

Utilizator: Dodtt acum 9 ani si 133 zile

Nu stiu de ce ti se pare ca nu am lucruri mai bune de facut decat sa corectez desene facute din plictiseala pe cand pot sa imi corectez linistita desenele cu care chiar pot zice ca fac ceva.

Utilizator: Ami. acum 9 ani si 133 zile

Pentru ca nu ma uit, si pentru ca orice schita oricat de simpla ar fi trebuie sa fie corecta. Mi se pare o idee geniala o.O si mi-ar fi placut sa vad in culori desenu.

Utilizator: Shita-Chan acum 9 ani si 133 zile

Nu stiu ce credeti voi dar azi Ami este cam rautacioasa....

Utilizator: Dodtt acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Chill sketches nu sunt musai sa fie corecte, cat despre ureche, e chiar bine incadrata.

Here now, enjoy yourself

Utilizator: Xxskittless acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Dupa ce am vazut desenul colorat imi pare ca acea priza se afla in perete *intr-un fel*

Deci cred ca din punctul asta de vedere desenul ar fi corect

Foarte reusita schita ^^

Utilizator: Archie acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Mie imi place oricum :v

Utilizator: Shita-Chan acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Si mie :D

Utilizator: Ami. acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Pls, I am always rude [...] :D

P.S.: Schitele mereu se cer sa fie corecte, daca vrei sa inveti ofc.

Utilizator: Dodtt acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Sketches are often used just to put down an idea and maybe maybe some minor details. In this case the outlet is there to express her lack of energy, didn't bother much with the perspective since it's a shitty program on an abandoned website? What bothers you isnt the perspective actually since the only mistake i did there was because of the small space my hand had, here i did not have flip and rotate therefore i didnt bother much with the line and/or parallel lines.

If i wanted a perfect sketch for a drawing be sure i wouldnt even draw it here in the first place but on a program ( or traditional) that has the tools that help me verify the quality of the sketch. There are plenty of ways to sketch, some do it rough for the idea and come later with the corrections when they get into detailing the piece and some consider that sketch is the most important. If i have an idea, i won't lose it for the sake of "having a perfect sketch".

Also sorry for any grammar mistakes and long comment, but what you just said was plain bullshit as there are so many ways better than the 'perfect chill sketch'.

Utilizator: Ami. acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Oh pls, stop being so selfish "What bothers you isnt the perspective actually since the only mistake i did there was because of the small space my hand had". Since I've been studying arts for real I learnt a lot. Go ask a teacher and he will tell you a lot. If you can't accept a critique that's it, doing sketches does not mean you have to just go away and do it. As I said, I liked the drawing, and it DOES bother me that mistake,

Utilizator: Archie acum 9 ani si 132 zile

De ce naiba vorbiti in engleza??? E desenatori.RO , fratilor... Va da-ti in stamba degeaba...

Utilizator: Ami. acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Pentru ca a dat-o pe engleza, ii raspunzi in aceeasi limba. ^^

Utilizator: Archie acum 9 ani si 132 zile

Pfff =))))

Utilizator: Dodtt acum 9 ani si 132 zile

'I've been studying art for real'

So did i. And there are multiple ways, don't be limited.

Also Bleeh... daca-mi place, te doare? Daca o sa mergi intr-o tara straina si o sa vorbesti cu cineva care stie romana, ti-ar fi rusine ca " this is x country and here we speak x language"?

And Ami, i accepted the critique, i know my stuff and i know when i have to correct them... what did bother me is that you told me i should correct it here, where is clearly i don't give a damn because it's not something i can use. I wanted to doodle sth here, i did it. Simple as that.

Utilizator: Archie acum 9 ani si 131 zile

Nu mi se pare normal... E ca si cum as vorbi eu in romana pe un site englezesc.... Sau ai uitat ca esti roman?? Si inteleg engleza nu iti spun asta ca vreau si eu sa inteleg ce vb tu cu ami...tbh.. Idfc

Si mie imi place engleza dar nu o exersez pe un site romanesc =))))

Utilizator: Ruins acum 9 ani si 131 zile

frum cearta

Utilizator: Shita-Chan acum 9 ani si 118 zile

Ami este pe lista mea neagra de acum.Thumbs down for Ami.

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