Utilizator: | Shita-Chan |
Titlu: | Over and over, I fall for you | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Data: | acum 9 ani si 102 zile | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensiune: | 70 K | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Timp desenare: | 1secunda | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Vizualizari: | 381 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Rating: | 8.875 din 16 voturi |
Tags: | three, days, grace, | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Descriere: | |

Lyrics: (I'm sure you don't care but)
I feel it everyday
It's all the same
It brings me down
But I'm the one to blame
I've tried everything to get away
So, here I go again,
Chasing you down again,
Why do I do this?
Over and Over, Over and Over,
I fall for you,
Over and Over, Over and Over,
I try not to
It feels like everyday,
Stays the same,
It's dragging me down,
And I can't pull away
So here I go again,
Chasing you down again,
Why do I do this?
Over and over,over and over,
I fall for you,
Over and over, over and over,
I try not to,
Over and over, over and over,
You make me fall for you,
Over and over,over and over,
You don't even try
So many toughts that I can't get out of my head,
I try to live without you, everytime I do I feel dead,
I know what's best for me but I want you instead,
I'll keep on wasting all my time.
Over and over, over and over,
I fall for you,
Over and over, over and over,
I try not to,
Over and over, over and over,
You make me fall for you,
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try.
De ce cantecul asta are mai multe vizualizari decat orice videoclip de la Lacrimosa? .-.
Nush, poate findca e super cool?
Nush, poate findca e super cool?
Ti-am dat 1 ca sa iti demonstrez ca si tu esti obsedata de note, medie. Astept fie sa imi sari in cap fie sa te prefaci ca nu-ti pasa.
Meh, ma multumesc cu ce am -3-