Scrie email-ul si parola. Daca nu ai un cont il poti crea aici.
Se poate desena si fara sa ai cont dar nu vei avea posibilitatea sa adaugi comentarii la desene.
Utilizator: kitty^
Note primite:
Titlu: ..savin` me............ 
Data: acum 15 ani si 305 zile
Dimensiune: 226 K
Vizualizari: 982
9.9847 din 131 voturi
Descriere: ..Show me what it's like To be the last one standing.. Say it if it's worth saving me..... 
crina roxana
Utilizator: crina roxana acum 15 ani si 305 zile

foarte fain!!!

Utilizator: ~*candy*~ acum 15 ani si 305 zile

superb treci si pe la mn pls:*;)

Utilizator: ...Joker... acum 15 ani si 305 zile

Seamana putin cu Joker...La par poate...Nu??.

Foarte fain desenul...Good Work...:) ;) ...

Utilizator: Schiffer acum 15 ani si 305 zile

cum fac umbre ajutorrrrrr

Utilizator: Essenza acum 15 ani si 305 zile

What if it`s not enough time ? ;;)

Minunat desen, kitty! ;x

Utilizator: maryutzmiculetz acum 15 ani si 305 zile

bravo kitty^!!!Minunat desen..vad ca te-ai apucat de treaba pe bune zilele astea....:)bv!:):):);;)10

Utilizator: antalys_ali acum 15 ani si 305 zile

SUPERB!!!!!!..."dureros" de expresiv!!!!...^__^

Utilizator: gia_2o acum 15 ani si 305 zile

super desen!

Utilizator: Vampire-Girl-Mady acum 15 ani si 305 zile

~~~...superb!!!!...inca un desen care va intra in top

Utilizator: razana acum 15 ani si 305 zile

superb kitty:)

carmen sexy
Utilizator: carmen sexy acum 15 ani si 305 zile


Utilizator: choco80 acum 15 ani si 305 zile

enother beautiful paint

Utilizator: LifeGotColour acum 15 ani si 305 zile


Utilizator: dydyrock acum 15 ani si 305 zile

foarte expresiv!

Utilizator: Spirit-rece acum 15 ani si 304 zile


Utilizator: crimson777 acum 15 ani si 297 zile

wicked..:) congrats!

Utilizator: gabryelaX acum 15 ani si 292 zile


Utilizator: Daydey acum 15 ani si 288 zile

Prison gates won't open up for me

On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'

Oh, I reach for you

Well I'm terrified of these four walls

These iron bars can't hold my soul in

All I need is you

Come please I'm callin'

And oh I scream for you

Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'


Show me what it's like

To be the last one standing

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be

Say it for me

Say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me

Heaven's gates won't open up for me

With these broken wings I'm fallin'

And all I see is you

These city walls ain't got no love for me

I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story

And oh I scream for you

Come please I'm callin'

And all I need from you

Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

All I need is you

Come please I'm callin'

And oh, I scream for you

Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'


Hurry I'm fallïn'

:x super

Utilizator: ^::^ acum 15 ani si 280 zile

10++++++++++++....e super cool

_____ ______________________________$$$___$

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___ __$$$$


.....(....).. .Ooo o......


.....(_/....... )../... ..


.......Urmele....... ..... ..


..:: Ca Sa StIi Ca Am FoSt Pe AiCi ::....

Poate Treci Si Pe La Mine Daca Vrei la ultimul desen

Ai Un Zece De La Mine

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_______ __ ____***______________

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___@____ _____@__@_________@__

___@___________@___________ @__

____@____sooooooooooooper__ @__

_____@___desen bv!!!!_____@___

______ @___1000000000____@_____

________ @______________@_______

___________@________@____ _____


___________ _____@________________

____________@__@@_____@__ ___


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__ ____________@@_____

___888888888888888_________ ________


_8 88 888222I2222288888_______________

8888882222222222 2 8888822228888______

88888222222222222228822222222 2 888___


_888 88 22222222222222222222222222_88_

__8888822222222222 2 222U22222222__888

___888822222222222222222222222_ _ _888


_____8 88 8222222222222222222_____888_

______88822222222222 2 2222_____8888__

_______888822222222222______88888 8 __


________ _8 88888_____888888888_______

__________888888888888 8 8____________

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_ _____________1_____________________

_____________ _ _1____________________

________________1_________ _ _________


_ __ _______________1_________________

.*Beaut iful*....*Beautiful*

..*Beautiful*.....*Beautiful *


..*Beautifu l* ...*Beautiful*


..*Bea utiful**Beautiful*


.. *Beautiful*...*Beautiful*

..*Beautiful*....*Beaut iful *


..*Beautiful*... . *Beautiful*


..*Beaut iful *..*Beautiful*


...... *Beautiful*.*Beautiful*

......*Beautiful*.*Beauti ful *



......*Be autiful*


......*Beautiful**Bea utiful *



. .....*Beautiful*


......*Bea utiful*


......*Bea utiful*.*Beautiful*

.................*Beautiful *

.... ... ...*Beautiful**Beautiful*

.........*Beautiful*.*B e autiful*


..... .. *Beautiful*.....*Beautiful*

......*Beautiful*.... . ..*Beautiful*

.....*Beautiful*.........*Beautiful *


...*Beau t if ul*.............*Beautiful*

..*Beautiful*........ . ......*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.................*B e autiful*

*Beautiful*...................*Beautiful *


.*Beaut i ful *.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*........... . .*Beautiful*



.*Beautifu l*. ............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*............. * Beautiful*


.* Beautiful*.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.. . ..........*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful**Beautiful**Bea u tiful*


*Beaut if ul**Beautiful**Beautiful*

*Beautiful**Beautiful** B eautiful*


.. ... ......*Beautiful*


....... .. ..*Beautiful*


........... *B eautiful*


...........*Bea ut iful*


...........*Beautif ul *

A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A ?Ä?Â??L?A?Ă „?Â??L? ..*Beautiful *A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä? Â??L?A?Ä?Â? ?L?.

A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L? A?Ä?Â??d z?dz?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L? .*B eautiful*A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä? ??L?A?Ä?Â? ?L?.

A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â? ?L?A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä? Â??L?*Beautif ul*A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ă „?Â??L?..

......... .... *Beautiful*.... .........

..... .. ......*Beautiful*.............

.............*Beau t iful*.............

.............*Beautiful*...... . ......


... .. ........*Beautiful*.............

.............*Be a utiful*.............

.............*Beautiful*.... . ........


. .. ..........*Beautiful*.............

A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä ?? ??L?A ? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L?*Be a utiful*A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L ?.

A?Ä? Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L ?A?Ä?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?..*Beautiful* A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ă ?Â??L?A?Ä?Ă ‚??L?

A?? ?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L? A?Ä?Â??L? A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?..*Beautiful*A?Ä? Â??L?A?Ä ?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?..

*Beautifu l*B eautiful*Beautiful*

*Beautiful*Beautiful*Beautifu l *



* Bea utiful*




*B eaut iful*Beautiful*


*Beautiful *B eautiful*




*Bea utiful*


.*Beautiful*.............* Bea utiful*


.*B ea utiful*.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*..... . .......*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.............*Beau t iful*


.*Bea ut iful*.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*....... . .....*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.............*Beauti f ul*


.*Beaut iful**Beautiful**Beautiful*

.*Beautiful**Beautifu l* * Beautiful*



..*Bea utif ul*




..*B eautiful*



..*Beauti ful *



..*Beautiful*Beau tif ul*Beautiful*


.. *Beautiful*Beautiful*Beautiful

______________ __. OOOO.______-.OOO. * . * .

________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * . * .

_______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * .

__________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * .


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_______________ _.O.__________:X:X


Acordati o nota:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Scrieti textul:

_____ ______________________________$$$___$

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_______________________$$$ $ $$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$

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___ __$$$$


.....(....).. .Ooo o......


.....(_/....... )../... ..


.......Urmele....... ..... ..


..:: Ca Sa StIi Ca Am FoSt Pe AiCi ::....

Poate Treci Si Pe La Mine Daca Vrei la ultimul desen

Ai Un Zece De La Mine

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_______ __ ____***______________

______________*____________ _ __


___@____ _____@__@_________@__

___@___________@___________ @__

____@____sooooooooooooper__ @__

_____@___desen bv!!!!_____@___

______ @___1000000000____@_____

________ @______________@_______

___________@________@____ _____


___________ _____@________________

____________@__@@_____@__ ___


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_ ___________@_@_____


__ ____________@@_____

___888888888888888_________ ________


_8 88 888222I2222288888_______________

8888882222222222 2 8888822228888______

88888222222222222228822222222 2 888___


_888 88 22222222222222222222222222_88_

__8888822222222222 2 222U22222222__888

___888822222222222222222222222_ _ _888


_____8 88 8222222222222222222_____888_

______88822222222222 2 2222_____8888__

_______888822222222222______88888 8 __


________ _8 88888_____888888888_______

__________888888888888 8 8____________

___________888888888_______________ _


__________ __ _8888___________________

______________88________ _ ___________


_ _____________1_____________________

_____________ _ _1____________________

________________1_________ _ _________


_ __ _______________1_________________

.*Beaut iful*....*Beautiful*

..*Beautiful*.....*Beautiful *


..*Beautifu l* ...*Beautiful*


..*Bea utiful**Beautiful*


.. *Beautiful*...*Beautiful*

..*Beautiful*....*Beaut iful *


..*Beautiful*... . *Beautiful*


..*Beaut iful *..*Beautiful*


...... *Beautiful*.*Beautiful*

......*Beautiful*.*Beauti ful *



......*Be autiful*


......*Beautiful**Bea utiful *



. .....*Beautiful*


......*Bea utiful*


......*Bea utiful*.*Beautiful*

.................*Beautiful *

.... ... ...*Beautiful**Beautiful*

.........*Beautiful*.*B e autiful*


..... .. *Beautiful*.....*Beautiful*

......*Beautiful*.... . ..*Beautiful*

.....*Beautiful*.........*Beautiful *


...*Beau t if ul*.............*Beautiful*

..*Beautiful*........ . ......*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.................*B e autiful*

*Beautiful*...................*Beautiful *


.*Beaut i ful *.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*........... . .*Beautiful*



.*Beautifu l*. ............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*............. * Beautiful*


.* Beautiful*.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.. . ..........*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful**Beautiful**Bea u tiful*


*Beaut if ul**Beautiful**Beautiful*

*Beautiful**Beautiful** B eautiful*


.. ... ......*Beautiful*


....... .. ..*Beautiful*


........... *B eautiful*


...........*Bea ut iful*


...........*Beautif ul *

A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A ?Ä?Â??L?A?Ă „?Â??L? ..*Beautiful *A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä? Â??L?A?Ä?Â? ?L?.

A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L? A?Ä?Â??d z?dz?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L? .*B eautiful*A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä? ??L?A?Ä?Â? ?L?.

A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â? ?L?A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä? Â??L?*Beautif ul*A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A? Ä?Â??L?A?Ă „?Â??L?..

......... .... *Beautiful*.... .........

..... .. ......*Beautiful*.............

.............*Beau t iful*.............

.............*Beautiful*...... . ......


... .. ........*Beautiful*.............

.............*Be a utiful*.............

.............*Beautiful*.... . ........


. .. ..........*Beautiful*.............

A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä ? ??L?A ? Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L?*Be a utiful*A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L ?.

A?Ä? Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L ?A?Ä?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?..*Beautiful* A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ă ?Â??L?A?Ä?Ă ‚??L?

A?Ä ?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L? A?Ä?Â??L? A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?..*Beautiful*A?Ä? Â??L?A?Ä ?Â?? L?A?Ä?Â??L?A?Ä?Â??L?..

*Beautifu l*B eautiful*Beautiful*

*Beautiful*Beautiful*Beautifu l *



* Bea utiful*




*B eaut iful*Beautiful*


*Beautiful *B eautiful*




*Bea utiful*


.*Beautiful*.............* Bea utiful*


.*B ea utiful*.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*..... . .......*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.............*Beau t iful*


.*Bea ut iful*.............*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*....... . .....*Beautiful*

.*Beautiful*.............*Beauti f ul*


.*Beaut iful**Beautiful**Beautiful*

.*Beautiful**Beautifu l* * Beautiful*



..*Bea utif ul*




..*B eautiful*



..*Beauti ful *



..*Beautiful*Beau tif ul*Beautiful*


.. *Beautiful*Beautiful*Beautiful

______________ __. OOOO.______-.OOO. * . * .

________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * . * .

_______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * .

__________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * .


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________________.OOO.____________.O. * . * .


_______________ _.O.________

Ne pare rau, dar nu aveti permisiunea sa adaugati comentarii!!