Nume: Ana
Varsta: 18
Localitate: BoToSaNi
Membru din: acum 17 ani si 168 zile
Nota medie: 9.92505
Think you're going nowhere
When you're walking down the street
Acting like you just don't care
When life could be so sweet

Why you wanna be like that
Cause if there's nothing new
You're not fooling no one
You're not even fooling you

So walk a little slower
And open up your eyes
Sometimes it's so hard to see
The good things passing by

There might never be a sign
No flashing neon light
Telling you to make your move
When the time is right

Why not
Take a crazy chance ?
Why not
Do a crazy dance ?
If you lose a moment
You might lose a lot
So why not ?
Why not ?

Why not
Take a crazy chance ?
Why not
Take a crazy chance ?

You always dress in yellow
When you wanna dress in gold
Instead of listening to your heart
You do just what you're told
You keep waiting where you are
What you'll never know
Let's just get into your car
And go baby go

I could be the one for you
Oh, yeah
Maybe yes, maybe no
It could be the thing to do
What I'm saying is
You gotta let me know

You'll never get to heaven
Or even to a lane
If you don't believe there's a way

Why not
Take a star from the sky ?
Why not
Spread your wings and fly ?
It might take a little
And it mïght take a lot
But why not ?
Why not ?


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Ordoneaza dupa:
Utilizator: ana_desenatoarea acum 16 ani si 244 zile

ms si tie la fel !!!

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tare ... Tifa preferata mea

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superba :x:X:x

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dragutza :X

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tare :X

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sweet :X

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iti plac sirenele molt :X

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ce tare e :X

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