Nume: CharlotteContorsion
Varsta: 26 Localitate: Bucuresti Membru din: acum 16 ani si 181 zile Nota medie: 9.95411 Hi. My name is Corina but all my friends call me Charlie or.. Charlotte. I don\'t think that if you\'ve got a nickname you\'re stupid or .. things like that.That\'s so not true! I think that a person who\'s got a nickname is a creative person.
About me? Well.. I don\'t consider myself that I\'m special or.. I don\'t know things like that.I\'m just a little girl who\'s living in Bucharest.
My wish is to be a photographer. I love art. I know I\'m not very good but.. I hope that someday I\'ll be. That\'s all. Bye guys.
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woaw:)) |
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e supeeer:X:X:X:X:X: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000 |
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mz muuuulltt d tooot:x neah k aqma iti dedic ji yo un desen:> iti dau yo linku p mess:> |
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bai sunteti culmea:))) numa 10 imi dati yo nu cred k merit 10 l desenu asta>:P |
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