Nume: Selinadie
Varsta: 39
Localitate: BV
Membru din: acum 16 ani si 139 zile
Nota medie: 9.98799

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Ordoneaza dupa:
Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 125 zile



I Took My Baby
On A Saturday Bang
Boy Is That Girl With You
Yes We're One And The Same

Now I Believe In Miracles
And A Miracle
Has Happened Tonight


But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White


They Print My Message
In The Saturday Sun
I Had To Tell Them
I Ain't Second To None

And I Told About Equality
An It's True
Either You're Wrong
Or You're Right


But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

Go, yeah
Hee, hee

I Am Tired Of This Devil
I Am Tired Of This Stuff
I Am Tired Of This Business
Sew When The
Going Gets Rough
I Ain't Scared Of
Your Brother
I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets
I Ain't Scare Of Nobody
Girl When The
Goin' Gets Mean

(L. T. B. Rap Performance)
For Gangs, Clubs
And Nations
Causing Grief In
Human Relations
It's A Turf War
On A Global Scale
I'd Rather Hear Both Sides
Of The Tale
See, It's Not About Races
Just Places
Where Your Blood
Comes From
Is Where Your Space Is
I've Seen The LIGHT
Get Duller
I'm Not Going To Spend
My Life Being A Color

Don't Tell Me You Agree With Me
When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye

Hee, hee

But, If
You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

I Said If
You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

I Said If
You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Brother
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

No, no , alright

Ooh, Ooh
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Now
Alright , alright
Ooh, Ooh
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Now
Ooh, Ooh

It's Black, It's White
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Black , It's White, Whoo

Ooh, Ooh

It's Black, It's White
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Black , It's White, Whoo "

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Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 126 zile


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Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 126 zile

florile, niste "fiinte" delicate

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Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 126 zile

Problema asta exista de mult timp pe acest site, iar puterea de a schimba ceva se afla in mana adminilor.Notele nu ar trebui sa mai fie vizibile ( si asa sunt inutile o mare parte din ele, cu totii o stim si totusi nu avem curajul sa dam un bine meritat 6 obiectiv unui desen, de ex) pentru a elimina expunerea favoritismului sau criticii. Partea ca un desen este in top si celalalt nu, tine tot de admini. Sunt sigura k nu este doar un admin pe site-ul asta.Ar trebui sa va programati activitatea de admin pe site in functie de timpul liber al fiecaruia pentru a nu va acuza reciproc de neintelegerile ce apar intre utilizatori doar pentru k unul dinte admini a pus in top un desen si pe celalalt nu din lipsa de timp , de organizare sau din favoritism. Obiectivitatea isi are rolul ei important pe acest site,...insa, lipseste. Am patit si eu din ambele, si am simtit k sunt exclusa intentionat din joc si k nu mai prezint interes. Important este sa faci ce te pasioneaza. Cat despre faptul k un utilizator a petrecut o dupa amiaza intreaga pentru un desen si un altul doua ore ..asta tine de inteligenta fiecaruia de a-si administra timpul liber si de indemanarea pe care o detine.Daca este priceput astfel incat din cateva linii si umbre reda realitatea intr-un timp scurt asta tine strict de utilizator. Adminii nu pun desene in top in functie de timpul petrecut, de cerneala consumata sau de faptul k abuzezi de un mouse sau o tableta ptr a te desfasura.
Cum se intampla peste tot, problemele apar din cauza celor de sus. Poate ca nu ar fi trebuit sa deschid gura, insa aceste lucruri exista si ar trebui, in prima faza, sa le spunem pe nume ,..pentru ca se nasc divergente virtuale intre useri si atunci cu totii ne vom simti neplacuti pe acest site. E in mainile voastre sa infloriti cactusul asta.

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Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 128 zile

grozav portret!

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Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 128 zile


I don't care what you talkin' 'bout baby
I don't care what you say
Don't you come walkin' beggin' back mama
I don't care anyway

Time after time I gave you all of my money
No excuses to make
Ain't no mountain that I can't climb baby
All is going my way

'Cause there's a time when you're right
And you know you must fight
Who's laghing baby, don't you know
And there's the choice that we make
And there's the choice you will take
Who's laughing baby

So just leave me alone lone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone), stop it!
Just stop doggin' me around!

There was a time I used to say girl I need you
But who is sorry now
You really hurt, you used to take and deceive me
Now who is sorry now

You got a way of making me feel so sorry
I found out right away
Don't you come walkin' beggin I ain't lovin' you
Don't you get in my way

'Cause there's a time when you're right
And you know you must fight
Who's laughing baby, don't you know
And there's the choice that we make
And there's the choice you will take
Who's laughing baby

So just leave me alone lone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone), stop it!
Just stop doggin' me around!
Hee-hee!, hoo-hoo!

'Cause there's a time when you're right
And you know you must fight
Who's laughing baby, don't you know
And there's the choice that we make
And there's the choice you will take
Who's laughing baby

So just leave me alone lone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone), stop it!
Just stop doggin' me around!

Leave me alone girl
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Leave me alone), stop it!
Just stop doggin' me around!
Hee-hee!, hoo-hoo!

Don't come beggin' me, don't come beggin'
Don't come lovin' me, don't come beggin

I love you, I don't want it
I don't, I don't, I don't, I-I-I

Don't come beggin' me, don't come beggin'
Don't come lovin' me, don't come beggin'
I love you
I don't want it, I don't need it

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