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Utilizator: whosyourdady acum 15 ani si 33 zile


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Utilizator: Selinadie acum 15 ani si 33 zile

The Way You Make Me Feel
Michael Jackson

"Hey Pretty Baby With The High Heels On
You Give Me Fever
Like I've Never, Ever Known
You're Just A Product Of Loveliness
I Like The Groove Of Your Walk, Your Talk, Your Dress
I Feel Your Fever
From Miles Around
I'll Pick You Up In My Car
And We'll Paint The Town
Just Kiss Me Baby
And Tell Me Twice
That You're The One For Me

The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
(You Knock Me Off Of My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)

I Like The Feelin' You're Givin' Me
Just Hold Me Baby And I'm In Ecstasy
Oh I'll Be Workin' From Nine To Five
To Buy You Things To Keep You By My Side
I Never Felt So In Love Before
Just Promise Baby, You'll Love Me Forevermore
I Swear I'm Keepin' You Satisfied
'Cause You're The One For Me

The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
Now Baby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone- A-Acha-Acha
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)

Go On Girl!
Go On! Hee! Hee! Aaow!
Go On Girl!

I Never Felt So In Love Before
Promise Baby, You'll Love Me Forevermore
I Swear I'm Keepin' You Satisfied
'Cause You're The One For Me . . .

The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
Now Baby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)

The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
Now Baby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)

Ain't Nobody's Business,
Ain't Nobody's Business
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
Ain't Nobody's Business,
Ain't Nobody's Business But Mine And My Baby
(You Really Turn Me On)
Hee Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of My Feet)
Hee Hee! Ooh!
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)"

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Utilizator: Lacra** acum 15 ani si 33 zile


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Utilizator: Muzi_deee acum 15 ani si 33 zile


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Utilizator: Bandytanko acum 15 ani si 34 zile

Super desen!

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Utilizator: Adi.yoana acum 15 ani si 34 zile

Melodia asta a fost una dintre cele mai sofisticate melodii ale lui Michael
O ador:D
Skin head, dead head(pielea capului,cap de mort)
Everybody gone bad(toata lumea merge rau)
Situation, aggravation(situatia,agravarea)
Everybody allegation(toata lumea alegatie)
In the suite, on the news(la judecata,la stiri)
Everybody dog food(toata lumea este mancare pentru caini)
Bang bang, shock dead(bang bang,soc mortal)
Everybody's gone mad(toata lumea a inebunit)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
Beat me, hate me(loveste-ma,uraste-ma)
You can never break me(niciodata nu poti sa ma rupi)
Will me, thrill me(raspunde-mi,infioara-ma)
You can never kill me(niciodata nu poti sa ma omori)
Do me, Sue me(fa-mi,condamna-ma)
Everybody do me(toata lumea faceti-mi)
Kick me, strike me(bate-ma,taie-ma)
Don't you black or white me(nu ma face alb sau negru)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
Tell me what has become of my life(spune-mi ce a devenit viata mea)
I have a wife and two children who love me(am o sotie si doi copii care ma iubesc)
I am the victim of police brutality, now(eu sunt o victima a brutalitatii politiei,acum)
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate(sunt obosit sa fiu victima urei)
You're rapin' me of my pride(imi distrugi orgoliul)
Oh, for God's sake(oh,pentru Dumnezeu)
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...(ma uit la cer sa-si indeplineasca profetia)
Set me free(lasa-ma liber)
Skin head, dead head(pielea capului,cap de mort)
Everybody gone bad(toata lumea merge rau)
trepidation, speculation(framantare,speculatii)
Everybody allegation(toata lumea alegatie)
In the suite, on the news(la judecata,la stiri)
Everybody dog food(toata lumea este mancare pentru caini)
black man, black mail(om negru,.....)
Throw your brother in jail(arunca-l pe fratele tau in puscarie)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
Tell me what has become of my rights(spune-mi ce au devenit drepturile mele)
Am I invisible because you ignore me?(sunt invizibil pentru ca ma ignori?)
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now(proclamatia ta mi-a promis libera libertate,acum)
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame(sunt obosit de a fii victima rusinii)
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name(ei m-au aruncat intr-o clasa cu un nume rau)
I can't believe this is the land from which I came(nu pot sa cred ca aceasta este lumea din care am venit)
You know I do really hate to say it(sti ca,chiar urasc sa spun)
The government don't wanna see(guvernul nu vrea sa vada)
But if Roosevelt was livin'(dar daca Roosevelt ar fi trait)
He wouldn't let this be, no, no(el nu ar fi lasat sa fie asa,no no)
Skin head, dead head(pielea capului,cap de mort)
Everybody gone bad(toata lumea merge rau)
Situation, speculation(situatia,speculatia)
Everybody litigation(toata lumea.......)
Beat me, bash me(loveste-ma,maltrateaza-ma)
You can never trash me(niciodata nu poti sa ma arunci)
Hit me, kick me((loveste-ma,bate-ma)
You can never get me(niciodata nu poti sa ma aduci)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
All I wanna say is that(tot cevreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about uslor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
Some things in life they just don't wanna see(unele lucruri din viata,ei doar nu vrea sa le vada)
But if Martin Luther was livin'(dar daca Martin Luther ar fi trait)
He wouldn't let this be,no,no(el nu ar fi lasat sa fie asa,no,no)
Skin head, dead head(pielea capului,cap de mort)
Everybody gone bad(toata lumea merge rau)
Situation, segregation(situatia,segregarea)
Everybody allegation(toata lumea alegatie)
In the suite, on the news(la judecata,la stiri)
Everybody dog food(toata lumea este mancare pentru caini)
Kick me, strike me(bate-ma,taie-ma)
Don't you wrong or right me(nu ai gresit sau dreptul meu)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about uslor chiar nu le pasa de noi)
All I wanna say is that(tot ce vreau sa spun este ca)
They don't really care about us(lor chiar nu le pasa de noï)......x 3

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Utilizator: Adi.yoana acum 15 ani si 34 zile


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