sweet pain
Nume: kuruki
Varsta: 27
Localitate: anonima
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 127 zile
Nota medie: 9.79096

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sweet pain
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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile

uite, jucau 7 minutes in the heaven:
Tyki Mikk
"C'mon, ______!" Squealed Lenalee, and you sighed as she waved her brother's beret in your face. "I already told you, I don't wanna play your game!" You replied as you shot another furtive glance at the assembled excorcists. Kanda, who'd probably kill anyone he as in a small place with, Cross, who was a pervert, and Komui, who was...well, scary. And they were just the first ones you saw... "Yeah, go on, ______," Agreed Lavi. At a glance you could see that he was grinning at you. "Do I really have a choice?" You asked, perturbed. Your question was met with a chorus of 'Nope's. You slumped forwards in defeat, but reached in to the beret and pulled out a slip of paper. "Brown?" Asked Lavi hesitantly, "I don't remember putting brown in there..." "That's my doing, I'm afraid," Said a shadow from the corner of the room. It stepped in to the light revealing Tyki Mikk, the so-called Noah of 'Pleasure'. Already, you were happy with your choice. "I hope you don't mind, but I felt the need to slip my own paper in to that hat as it passed. After all, so many pretty women..." The man swaggered over to you and picked up your hand, placing a soft kiss on the back. You could barely surpress a giggle as he winked at you and led you in to the closet. You reached for the light switch as the door was closed, but Tyki's hand enclosed yours before you could reach it. "I think not," He purred, "It's so much more fun in the dark." You giggled again and pulled your hand out of his. Stepping away, you sat down in the corner of the closet and smiled to yourself. "Playing hard to get, are we?" Tyki growled, and you could hear his footsteps making their way around the closet. Something scraped the wall next to you and brushed lightly against your foot, and as it did Tyki's movements stopped. "Got you," He whispered in your ear - when did he get so close?! - and then he was kissing you passionately, teeth clattering and tongues battling for dominance. You didn't want to, but you pulled away to draw breath. "You're a good kisser," Smirked Tyki as he leant forwards and licked the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "T-thanks..." You stuttered out. Although you were embarassed, you had to admit that you were loving the attention. It wasn't every day that such a gorgeous man treated you like this... "No need," He said, and then he was on you again, kissing and biting, moving from your lips to your neck and down to your collar bone. You were so involved in the kiss that you barely noticed his fingers slipping under the edge of your shirt. In fact, you only realised what Tyki was doing when his fingertips, cold against your skin, pressed down on the small of your back. You gasped and leaned your head back further, exposing more of your neck to his kisses. "T-Tyki..." You gasped out, "Six minutes, only one mo- AH!" You cried out as he bit down hard on your collar bone, hard enough to draw blood. "Delicious," He hissed, his voice dripping passion, and you really had to force yourself to push him away. He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Lavi has a camera," You explained, and his face folded itself neatly in to a sexy smirk. "Great," He grinned, and again you were pinned underneath him. You couldn't fight his strenght, even when you began to struggle upon hearing footsteps coming towards the door. "Wow!" Exclaimed someone who you thought to be Allen from the door, although you couldn't be sure since Tyki was obstructing your view. You pushed Tyki off once again and jumped to your feet, all the while brushing yourself off. "WHAT was that for?" You asked, purposely putting an agitated edge on your voice. "You're bleeding, ______..." Began Allen, and you looked down to see the first traces of blood seeping through your shirt from your collar bone. "You little-!" You yelled, and Tyki only laughed and bowed giddily in your direction before stepping through the wall. And then, in true innocent mood-spoiler fashion, Allen offered you a bandaid. Although it was hard to see much of Tyki Mikk, what with your being a finder, and his being a Noah, you made the effort to be sent on all missions that he might be involved in. The few times you ran in to him, passion ensued. You could never really be with him, but what you two were was definately a damn good second.

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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile

uuu, tare provocarea...

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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile

yay!!! bv!!! u intrebi p cn???

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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile

te provo sa il pupi p komui

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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile

poi mai ie cnv???

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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile

next! va roog! cn intreaba???

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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile


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sweet pain
Utilizator: sweet pain acum 13 ani si 343 zile



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