tears of an Angel
Nume: tears of an Angel
Varsta: 26
Localitate: Constanta/Medgidia
Membru din: acum 13 ani si 322 zile
Nota medie: 9.98143

Vampire Knight <3<3<3<3

si pur si simplu nu ma mai satur de melodia asta:


Cine stie cand apare sezonul 3????

si unde la-s putea gasi




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Ordoneaza dupa:
tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

JOs palaria

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

uh... mama cat talent ai

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

very nice

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

wow cat de skumpilici sunt

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

ce trandafiri perfecti

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

ee...eee. ATAT DE ROZ ^v^

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

uuu ce frumos

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 177 zile

cat de super

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tears of an Angel
Utilizator: tears of an Angel acum 13 ani si 183 zile

uuu e su[er tare

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